The cover of the remastered version of 'The Moon & Antarctica' is shown below.
Notice how the letters are overlaid on the art. The part of the cover representing the moon has the writing "use the moon &" overlaid.
Consider the shape of the ampersand symbol and how it may be used as a representation of the moon's orbit and sacred geometry.
The next release by Modest Mouse was "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" (April 6, 2004).
"Good News for People Who Love Bad News" was released on the date which leaves 269 days left in the year.
Combining the ordinal (202) and full reduction (67) of the phrase, "leave out the bad news" equals 269.
202 + 67 = 269
269 is the 57th prime number:
Using the most basic cypher (ordinal), "Moon" = 57.
"use the moon" = 135 (ordinal), 45 (full reduction)
From the release of "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" to the Indian Ocean earthquake (December 26, 2004) is 264 days.
264 − 135 = 129 [The reflection of September 21 (9/21), the 264th day of the year]
264 − 45 = 219 [September 21, the 264th day of the year can be written 21/9]
Recall how the ampersand symbol (&) was used on the cover of the remastered version of "The Moon & Antarctica" as a representation of the moon's orbit and sacred geometry. The only cypher which assigns a value to the ampersand symbol is Jewish ordinal based on the original Latin alphabetic order.
Leaving out the "Bad News" in the album's title and substituting "use the moon &" gives:
"Good News for People Who Love; use the moon &"
"Good News for People Who Love; use the moon &" = 462 (Jewish Ordinal)
Transposing the date: From September 21, 2003 (the 264th day of the year) to the Indian Ocean earthquake is 462 days.
Number-Prime Relationships And 496 (The Third Perfect Number)
Using the most basic cypher (ordinal), "The Moon & Antarctica" equals 180.
135 + 45 = 180
- The 135th prime number is 761.
- The 45th prime number is 197.
(761 + 197) − 264 = 496
(761 + 197) − 462 = 694
Writing out the album's title as it's spoken gives: "The Moon And Antarctica".
"The Moon And Antarctica" = 199 (ordinal).
(761 + 197) + 199 = 759
759 is the number to which 694 must be added to reach 1453.
759 + (694) = (1453)
3541 is the 496th prime number:
In number theory a perfect number is a positive integer equal to the sum of it's proper positive divisors excluding itself.
- The divisors of 496 (the third perfect number) sum to 992.
- 1453 is the 231st prime number.
761 + (231) = (992)
1222 is the number to which 231 must be added to reach 1453 (the 231st prime number).
1222 + (231) = (1453)
1222 − (761 + 197) = 264
12 and 22 are divisors of 264:
(12×22) = 264
- The Indian Ocean earthquake occurred on the 361st day of 2004.
- Using the most basic cypher (ordinal), "use the moon" = 135.
135 + 361 = 496
[(135 + 531) + (45 + 54)] − 496 = 269
- Using the most basic cypher (ordinal), "Moon" = 57.
- The 57th prime number is 269.
- "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" was released April 6th, the date leaving 269 days remaining in the year.
[(135 + 531) + (45 + 54)] − 496 = 269