The Dow closed down 1175 points on Monday (February 5, 2018), the worst single day point drop in it's history.
The divisors of 1175 are 1, 5, 25, 47, 235 and 1175.
The sum of the divisors of 1175 = 1 + 5 + 25 + 47 + 235 + 1175 = 1488
1488 = 16×93
Michael Hastings died in a car crash June 18, 2013.
From Michael Hastings' death to the 1175 point drop is 1693 days.
The specific cause of Hastings' death, "massive blunt force trauma consistent with a high-speed crash".
The reverse Sumerian cypher reverses the alphabetic order and multiplies each ordinal value by 6:
"high-speed crash" = 1488 (Reverse Sumerian)
- On February 5, 2018 the Dow fell 1175 points.
- The divisors of 1175 sum to 1488.
- 1488 = [16×93]
- Michael Hastings died in a 'high-speed crash' 1693 days before the 1175 point drop.
- "high-speed crash" = 1488 (Reverse Sumerian).
"High-speed crash" = 248 (Reverse ordinal)
- (1488 - 1175) = 313
- 313 is the 65th prime number.
- 248 is the number to which 65 must be added to reach 313.
248 + (65) = (313)
Michael Hastings' Death & The 2008 Crash - [1723, 269, 57]
On September 29, 2008, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers and Washington Mutual, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 777.68 points.
1723 is the 269th prime number.
269 is the 57th prime number.
Michael Hastings died June 18, 2013 = 6 + 18 + 20 + 13 = 57