The Dow has had the following large single day losses / Feb 2 - April 6 (rounded to the nearest whole number):
February 2, 2018 → 666 points
a) February 5, 2018 → 1175 points
b) February 8, 2018 → 1033 points
c) March 22, 2018 → 724 points
d) April 2, 2018 → 459 points
e) April 6 2018 → 572 points
a) 1175 Point Drop - February 5, 2018
The final score to Super Bowl 52 was 41-33:
4133 + 239 = 4372
(4×372) = 1488
The Monday (February 5, 2018) after Super Bowl 52, the Dow fell 1175 points.
1488 = (16×93)
The 1175 point drop is synchronized with the death of Michael Hastings who died in a car crash on June 18, 2013.
From the date of Hastings' death to the 1175 point drop is 1693 days.
The specific cause of Hastings' death: "massive blunt force trauma consistent with a high-speed crash"
The reverse Sumerian cypher reverses the alphabetic order and multiplies each letter by six.
"high-speed crash" = 1488 (Reverse Sumerian)
- The divisors of 1175 sum to 1488.
- 1488 = (16×93).
- The 1175 point drop occurred 1693 days after Hastings' death.
b) 1033 Point Drop - February 8, 2018
The 1033 point drop is synchronized with the death of Allan Simonsen, a Danish racing driver who crashed and died June 22, 2013.
From Simonsen's death to the 1033 point drop is a span of 1693 days.
"Allan Simonsen" = 148 (English Ordinal), 888 (Sumerian), 203 (Reverse Ordinal), 67 (Single Reduction)
The date (June 22, 2013) of Simonsen's death has numerology of 61:
This specific grouping of numbers (148, 888, 203, 67, 61) is not arbitrary; they precisely code the next two major single day point drops.
First consider the date (February 8, 2018) of the 1033 point drop. February 8 leaves 326 days remaining in the year.
First consider the date (February 8, 2018) of the 1033 point drop. February 8 leaves 326 days remaining in the year.
148 + 888 + 203 + 67 + 61 + 326 = 1693
[Remember, Simonsen died a 1693 day span before the 1033 point drop]
Multiplying each non-zero digit:
(1×4×8)×(8×8×8)×(2×3)×(6×7)×(6×1) = (8192)(3024)
The next two major single day point losses occurred on the 81st and 92nd day of 2018:
666 + 1175 + 724 + 459 = 3024
3024 = (11×11×11) + 1693
Michael Hastings and Allan Simonsen both died in car crashes; the number 1693 synchronizes both deaths with large single day Dow point drops in 2018. Hastings died on the 169th day of the year, 1693 days before the 1175 point drop. 1009 is the 169th prime number.
Excluding 888 (a multiple of 148) and adding 1009 to the string equals 1488:
148 + 203 + 67 + 61 + 1009 = 1488
- The divisors of 1175 sum to 1488.
- The phrase "high-speed crash" is mentioned in Hastings' specific cause of death.
- "high-speed crash" = 1488 (Reverse Sumerian).
1488 = (16×93)
c) 724 Point Drop - March 22, 2018
The 724 point drop was preceded by the 1175 point drop (February 5) and 1033 point drop (February 8):
- The number-prime relationship [264, 1693] is significant to each major single day point loss.
- The 1175 point drop is synchronized with the death of Michael Hastings who died 1693 days earlier.
- The 1033 point drop is synchronized with the death of Allan Simonsen who died a span of 1693 days earlier.
Both Hastings and Simonsen died in car crashes. The phrase "high-speed crash" is mentioned in Hastings' official cause of death.
"high-speed crash" = 248 (Reverse Ordinal)
To calculate the value of a word or phrase in Sumerian, the ordinal value is multiplied by six.
"high-speed crash" = 248 × 6 = 1488 (Reverse Sumerian)
The divisors of 1175 sum to 1488.
The difference between 1175 and the sum (1488) of it's divisors is 313. 313 is the 65th prime number. 248 is the number to which 65 must be added to reach 313.
Recall the string of numbers (148, 888, 203, 67, 61) related to the 1033 point drop.
The only grouping from the string which sums to 264 is (203, 61).
1175 − (248 + 203) = 724
1033 − (248 + 61) = 724
203 + 61 = 264
Consider also:
March 22, 2018 is the 81st day of the year leaving 284 days remaining.
October 11, 2018 is the 284th day of the year leaving 81 days remaining.
October 11, 2018 is:
The 724 point drop is synchronized with the death and 81st birthday of Jim Harrison, author of the 1979 novella "Legends of the Fall".
33 + 36 + 39 + 81 + 92 + 96 = 269
1488 = (16×93)
Recall the string of numbers (148, 888, 203, 67, 61) related to the 1033 point drop.
The only grouping from the string which sums to 264 is (203, 61).
1175 − (248 + 203) = 724
1033 − (248 + 61) = 724
203 + 61 = 264
Consider also:
March 22, 2018 is the 81st day of the year leaving 284 days remaining.
October 11, 2018 is the 284th day of the year leaving 81 days remaining.
October 11, 2018 is:
- 248 days after the 1175 point drop.
- 203 days after March 22, 2018 (the date of the 724 point drop).
Thus: 1175 − (248 + 203) = 724
The 724 point drop is synchronized with the death and 81st birthday of Jim Harrison, author of the 1979 novella "Legends of the Fall".
Jim Harrison died March 26, 2016.
From Harrison's death to the 724 point drop is (264 + 462) days:
726 = (264 + 462)
- The 724 point drop occurred on March 22, the 81st day of the year.
- From the 724 point drop to the date that would have been Harrison's 81st birthday is 264 days.
e) 572 Point Drop - April 6, 2018
The 572 point drop is synchronized with dates significant to Nelson Mandela and Winnie Mandela (who died recently on April 2, 2018).
Nelson Mandela died December 5, 2013 at the age of 95:
From Nelson Mandela's 95th birthday to the 572 point drop is 1723 days.
The date of the 572 point drop leaves 269 days remaining in the year.
Winnie Mandela was born on 26 September (26/9), which during a non leap year is the 269th day of the year.
Consider the dates of each point loss:
33rd day → February 2, 2018 → 666
36th day → February 5, 2018 → 1175
39th day → February 8, 2018 → 1033
81st day → March 22, 2018 → 724
92nd day → April 2, 2018 → 459
96th day → April 6, 2018 → 572
33 + 36 + 39 + 81 + 92 + 96 = 269
Summing each day number up to 92 equals 189:
33 + 36 + 39 + 81 + 92 = 189
Winnie Mandela died April 2 (the 92nd day of the year), on the 189th day after her 81st birthday:
On the date of her death the Dow fell 459 points.
459 + 572 = 1031
1031 is the 173rd prime number.
173 is the number of days from the 572 point drop to Winnie Mandela's 82nd birthday.
Some Additional Notes:
- The first in the set of large point drops occurred February 2nd, 2018, 264 days before the 89th anniversary (October 24, 2018) of the 1929 stock market crash.
- The last in the set occurred April 6, 2018, 264 days before December 26, 2018 (a date on which the Dow rose 1086 points posting it's largest gain ever).
- The difference between the largest point drop (1175) and largest point gain (1086) is 89.
- 89 is the 11th Fibonacci number and 24th prime number.
- (11×24) = 264