Combining the reverse ordinal (204) and full reduction (57) of "The White Album" is equal to 261.
204 + 57 = 261
Combining the reverse ordinal (209) and full reduction (52) of "Charles Manson" is equal to 261.
209 + 52 = 261
The White Album piece Manson deemed most significant was the audio collage, "Revolution 9". Manson heard in it an audio representation of the coming conflict.
Combining the reverse ordinal (185) and full reduction (76) of "Revolution Nine" is equal to 261.
185 + 76 = 261
Manson had renamed Family member Susan Atkins "Sadie Mae Glutz" long before the release of The White Album. The words of "Sexy Sadie" fit Atkins so well it served to reinforce the mental connection Manson felt he had with The Beatles.
Combining the reverse ordinal (208) and full reduction (53) of "Sadie Mae Glutz" is equal to 261.
208 + 53 = 261
Each calculation thus far has combined reverse ordinal with full reduction, equaling 261.
Combining the ordinal (111) and reverse full reduction (51) of "Sexy Sadie" is equal to 162 (the reflection of 261).
111 + 51 = 162
To Manson the lyrics of "Helter Skelter" signified the Family's emergence from their underground hideaway in Death Valley where they would escape the violence from the coming conflict.
Combining the reverse ordinal (193) and single reduction (68) of "Helter Skelter" is equal to 261.
193 + 68 = 261
August 10, 1969 has numerology of 87:
August 10, 1969 = 8 + 10 + 69 = 87
The largest divisor of 261 (aside from the number itself) is 87:
The White album was released in 1968 → 19 + 68 = 87
261 is formed by merging 26 and 61. The sum of these two numbers is equal to 87 → 26 + 61 = 87
261 is formed by merging 26 and 61. The sum of these two numbers is equal to 87 → 26 + 61 = 87
The '60s don't really start until the Kennedy assassination. There are many indicators of this transformation. "Within a year popular music became faster and more cacophonous. Drugs appeared for the first time outside Bohemian ghettos. In the mainstream, extremes of every kind came into fashion. Revolutions in cognition and behavior were on the horizon, from The Beatles to Charles Manson, from free love to LSD."
If the Kennedy assassination marked the beginning of the cultural shift that was the sixties, the Manson murders seemed to mark the end.
From the Kennedy assassination (November 22, 1963) to the final night of the Manson murders is 2088 days.
261 is a divisor of 2088:
The night (8/10/69) of the Waverly Drive murders has numerology of 87 and 24.
8/10/69 = 8 + 10 + 69 = 87
8/10/69 = 8 + 1 + 6 + 9 = 24
The Kennedy assassination occurred [87×24] days before 8/10/69.
2088 = [87×24]