Monday, 18 February 2019

Ghost in the Shell: 2571, [311, 2063] → 1752 + 311 = 2063

In "Ghost in the Shell" the project that created Killian is known as 2571.

The divisors of 2571 sum to 3432.

264 is a divisor of 3432.

The reflection of 2571 is 1752.

1752 264 = 1488

  • The 264th prime number is 1693.
  • (16×93) = 1488

On February 5, 2018 the Dow fell 1175 points (the largest point drop in it's history).

The divisors (1, 5, 25, 47, 235, 1175) of 1175 sum to 1488.

From the U.S. release of the film (March 31, 2017) to the 1175 point drop is 311 days.

The 311th prime number is 2063.

Adding 311 to 1752 is equal to 2063, the 311th prime number:

1752 + 311 = 2063

Consider the date (March 31, written 31/3) of the film's release.  Adding 313 to 1175 is equal to 1488:

313 + 1175 = 1488

March 31 can alternatively be written 3/31.  331 is the 67th prime number.  264 is the number to which 67 must be added to reach 331.

The largest point gain in the Dow's history was 1086 points on December 26, 2018.

  • The 1175 point drop occurred on the 36th day of the year and was preceded by the 666 point drop (February 2, 2018).
  • The 36th triangular number is 666: x36 = [36(36+1)]/2 = 666

Adding 666 to 1752 equals 1086:

1752 + 666 = 1086

Using the most basic cypher (ordinal), "Ghost in the Shell" equals 181.

The Sumerian cypher is based on the alphabetic order multiplying each letter by 6.  "Ghost in the Shell" equals 1086 (Sumerian).

Consider also:
  • The dates March 31 and December 26 are 270 days apart within the calendar year.
  • "Ghost in the Shell" = 181 (ordinal).
  • 181 is a divisor of 1086.

(1086) + 270 = (1175) + 181