The 660 point drop which occurred January 3rd is linked to the 1033 point drop (February 8, 2018) and 396 point drop (November 19, 2018).
The number prime relationship [264, 1693] is significant to each major point drop in 2018.
Adding 396 to 264 is equal to 660:
264 + 396 = 660
Adding 1033 to 660 is equal to 1693, the 264th prime number:
660 + 1033 = 1693
1033 and 396 sum to 1429:
1033 + 396 = 1429
Adding 264 to 1429 is equal to 1693:
1429 + 264 = 1693
Recall the string of numbers [148, 888, 203, 67, 61] related to the 1033 point drop. The 1033 point drop occurred February 8th, the date leaving 326 days remaining in the year:
(148 + 888 + 203 + 67 + 61) + 326 = 1693
The numbers [148, 888, 203, 67, 61] in the string encode two large point drops which followed the 1033 point drop. Consider the first 5 significant point drops in 2018:
666 + 1175 + 724 + 459 = 3024
Multiplying each non-zero digit in the string:
(1×4×8)×(8×8×8)×(2×3)×(6×7)×(6×1) = (3024)(8192)
The 724 and 459 point drops which followed the 1033 point drop occurred on the 81st and 92nd day of 2018.
3024 = (1331) + 1693
The 660 point drop occurred January 3rd (written 1/3 or 3/1), the date leaving 362 days remaining in the year:
(1331) + 362 = 1693
Recall the 4 major point drops which preceded the 660 point drop:
November 20 → 551.8
December 4 → 799.36
December 7 → 558.72
December 24 → 653.17
Rounding to the nearest whole number: 552 + 799 = 1351
Consider the dates [December 7 (12/7) and December 24 (12/24)] of the 558 and 653 point drops.
127 + 1224 = 1351
The 1033 point drop occurred 329 days before the 660 point drop:
The 396 point drop occurred 45 days before the 660 point drop:
1351 − (45 + 329) = (923 + 54)
The largest percentage decline in the Dow's history occurred on Black Monday (October 19, 1987).
11399 is the 1376th prime number.
Consider the date (October 19 → 10/19) of the Black Monday crash.
1376 − 1019 = 357
(3×57) = 171
1019 is the 171st prime number.
- 10/19 is the 292nd day of the year leaving 73 days remaining.
March 14 is the 73rd day of the year, leaving 292 days remaining.
From March 14, 2017 to the 660 point drop is 660 days.
The 660 point drop is linked to the 1033 point drop (February 8, 2018) and 396 point drop (November 19, 2018).
From the 1033 point drop to the 31st anniversary of Black Monday is 253 days.
From the 31st anniversary of Black Monday to the 396 point drop is 31 days.
The 396 point drop occurred on the first trading day of Thanksgiving week. In 2018 the major indexes had their biggest loss for a Thanksgiving week since 2011. Recall the significance of the number 253 in relation to 2018 Thanksgiving week losses.
The last trading day of Thanksgiving week was November 23 (11/23).
(11×23) = 253
1376 − 1123 = 253