Sunday, 12 July 2020

  • The largest daily loss in the Dow's history is 2997 points on March 16.
  • The divisors of 2997 sum to 4598:

The difference between 2997 and the sum of it's divisors is 1601:

4598  2997 = 1601

1601 is the 252nd prime number.

The number-prime relationship [252, 1601] can be represented by simply writing 1349, since 1349 is the number to which 252 must be added to reach 1601.

  • The 2997 point drop occurred on the first day of the trading week ending on 20/3.
  • On 20/3 the Dow lost 913 points.
  • The following trading week began on 23/3.
  • 233 is the 13th Fibonacci number.

203 + 913 + 233 = 1349

  • Recall the significance of the number-prime relationship [264, 1693] to each large point drop that has occurred since early February 2018.

1693  1349 = 344

  • The 344th prime number is 2311.

The number-prime relationship [344, 2311] can be represented by simply writing 1967, since 1967 is the number to which 344 must be added to reach 2311.
  • The 233rd prime number is 1471.

1967 - 1471 = 496 (the third perfect number)

  • The total daily gains in the trading week ending on 20/3 were: 1049 + 188 = 1237.
  • 1237 is the 203rd prime number.
  • The number-prime relationship [203, 1237] can be represented by simply writing 1034, since 1034 is the number to which 203 must be added to reach 1237.
  • The net change in the trading week ending on 20/3 was: [(- 2997) + 1049  1338 + 188  913] = - 4011

2311  1034 = 871

Adding 344 to the net change and taking the daily average equals 871: 

(4011 + 344)/5 = 871

  • The 14th Fibonacci number is 377.
  • 871 + 377 = 1248

  • The number-prime relationship [235, 1483] can be represented by simply writing 1248, since 1248 is the number to which 235 must be added to reach 1483.
  • The 16th Fibonacci number is 987.

1483 - (987) = 496 (The third perfect number)

Consider the weekly net changes from February 24 to the trading week beginning on March 23 (23/3):

  • February 24 - 28  - 3583
  • March 2 - 6  455
  • March 9 - 13  - 2680
  • March 16 - 20  - 4011
  • March 23 - 27  2464

[-3583 + 455 - 2680 - (4011 + 344)] = - 10163

  • 10163 is the 1248th prime number.

  • The two largest point drops in the Dow's history are 2997 points on March 16, 2020 and 2353 points on March 12, 2020.
  • (2997 - 2353) = 644
  • (6×44) = 264
  • The 644th prime number is 4789.
  • (4789 - 1248) = 3541
  • 3541 is the 496th prime number.

Taking the weekly average from February 24 to the trading week beginning on  March 23 (23/3):

(-3583 + 455 - 2680 - 4011 + 2464)/5 = - 1471, the 233rd prime number.

  • 1237 is the 203rd prime number.
  • 1471 is the 233rd prime number.
  • 1601 is the 252th prime number.
  • 1349 is the number to which 252 must be added to reach 1601.

  • 610 is the 15th Fibonacci number.
  • The 610th prime number is 4493.
  • 4493 - [(203 + 1237) + (233 + 1471)] = 1349

  • The 17th Fibonacci number is 1597.
  • 1349 + (248) = 1597
  • 248 is a divisor of 1488 and 496.

  • The number-prime relationship [252, 1601] can be represented by simply writing 1349, since 1349 is the number to which 252 must be added to reach 1349.
  • The number-prime relationship [203, 1237] can be represented by simply writing 1034, since 1034 is the number to which 203 must be added to reach 1237.

(1349 + 1034) = 2383

  • 2383 is the 354th prime number.
  • 2029 is the number to which 354 must be added to reach 2383.
  • 2029 is the 308th prime number.
  • 1721 is the number to which 308 must be added to reach 2029.
  • 1721 is the 268th prime number.
  • 1453 the is the number to which 268 must be added to reach 1721.
  • 3541 is the 496th prime number.

  • 987 is the 16th Fibonacci number.
  • The number-prime relationship [235, 1483] can be represented by simply writing 1248, since 1248 is the number to which 235 must be added to reach 1483.
  • 1483 - (987) = 496

  • 235 + (987) = 1222
  • The number-prime relationship [231, 1453] can be represented by simply writing 1222, since 1222 is the number to which 231 must be added to reach 1453.

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Dow: 2997 & 2353 Point Drops→(2353 − 1237) = 1116

The two largest daily point drops in the Dow's history are 2353 points on March 12, and 2997 points on March 16.

12 and 37 are divisors of 7992 (the reflection of 2997):

  • 7992 ÷ 12 = 666
  • 7992 ÷ 37 = (6×6×6)

37 is the 12th prime number:

Consider the trading week in which the 2997 point drop occurred:

March 16   - 2997.1
March 17   + 1048.86
March 18   - 1338.46
March 19   + 188.27
March 20 (20/3  - 913.21

The total daily point gains in the week were: 188 + 1049 = 1237.

  • 1237 is the (203)rd prime number.
  • The trading week ended on (20/3).

  • At 12:37 there is 11 hours and 23 minutes left in the day.
  • At 11:23 there is 12 hours and 37 minutes left in the day.

On the trading day prior to March 20 (20/3) the Dow gained 188 points.  1123 is the 188th prime number:

The Dow dropped 913 points on 20/3 (the last day of the trading week):

(913 + 203) = 1116

  • (11×16) = 176
  • The largest daily gain in the week was 1049.
  • 1049 is the 176th prime number.

Prior to the 2997 point drop, the largest daily point drop in the Dow's history was 2353 points on March 12.

(2353 − 1237) = (1116)

Recall the significance of the number prime relationship [264, 1693] to each large point drop that has occurred since early February 2018.  (16 times 93) equals 1488.

The numbers 1488 and 1116 have several divisors in common.  372 is a divisor of both 1488 and 1116:

(1488÷4) = 372
(1116÷3) = 372.

Adding 372 to 1116 is equal to 1488.

11 times 16 is equal to 176. The divisors of 176 are: (1, 2, 4, 8, 11, 16, 22, 44, 88 and 176).  The divisors of 176 sum to 372: (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 11 + 16 + 22 + 44 + 88 + 176) = 372.

176 and 264 both have the common divisor of 88.

(264 ÷ 3) = 88
(176 ÷ 2) = 88.

Adding 88 to 176 is equal to 264.

  • 2997 is the largest daily point loss in the Dow's history and occurred on the first day of the trading week ending on 20/3.
  • The other daily losses during the trading week were 913 points on March 20 and 1338 points on March 18.
  • (913 + 1338) = 2251
  • 2251 is the 335th prime number.
  • Prior to the 2997 point loss, the largest daily loss was 2353 points.
  • 23:53 military time is 11:53 on the 12 hour clock.

(1153 + 335) = 1488

  • 1153 is the 191st prime number    191 is the 43rd prime number    43 is the 14th prime number.

(191 + 43 + 14) = 248

  • 248 is a divisor of 1488:

Perfect Numbers:

  • March 20 (20/3) leaves 286 days remaining in the year.
  • The 2353 point drop occurred on March 12 (12/3).
  • The 2997 point drop occurred on March 16 (16/3).
  • (123 + 163) = 286
  • 286 is formed by joining the second (28) and first (6) perfect number.
It is possible to represent a prime relationship by writing a single number.  For example, the number prime relationship [203, 1237] can be represented by simply writing 1034, since 1034 is the number to which 203 must be added to reach 1237.

1034 + (203) = (1237)

  • The divisors of 1034 sum to 1728.
  • The difference between 1034 and the sum of it's divisors is 694 (the reflection of 496, the third perfect number).

(1728 - 1034) = 694

[777, 5903]

  • The largest daily point drop in the Dow's history was 2997 points on March 16, 2020.
  • The 2997 point drop occurred on the first day of the trading week ending on March 20 (20/3), 2020.
  • Recall that the first significant point drop in 2018 was 666 points on February 2.
  • From the 666 point drop to March 20, 2020 is 777 days.

  • The 203rd prime number is 1237.
  • 37 is the 12th prime number.
  • 7992 (the reflection of 2997) ÷ 12 = (666)
  • 7992 ÷ 37 = (6×6×6)
  • 73 is the 21st prime number.
  • 21 = (7 + 7 + 7) = (7×3)

  • The second largest point drop in the Dow's history was 2353 points on March 12, 2020.
  • Recall the significance of the number-prime relationship [264, 1693].
  • 5903 is the 777th prime number.

7992 - (5903) + 264 = 2353

Successive Primes and Squares: (23)(53), (29)(97)

  • The two largest point drops in the Dow's history are 2353 points on March 12, 2020 and 2997 points on March 16, 2020.
  • The first two (23 and 29) and last two (53 and 97) digits of each number forms a prime number.
  • 23 and 29 are successive prime numbers (the 9th and 10th).
  • 53 is the 16th prime number and 97 is the 25th prime number.
  • 16 and 25 are successive squares.
  • 16 is (4)squared and 25 is (5)squared.