Monday, 10 January 2022

Station Eleven: Largest 2021 Point Change

 The largest single-day point change in 2021 took place on November 26 after a new coronavirus variant was detected in South Africa.  Consider the daily changes from November 26 to December 16:

11/26   - 905.04

11/29   + 236.60

11/30   - 652.22

12/1   - 461.68

12/2   + 617.75

12/3   - 59.71

12/6   + 646.95

12/7   + 492.40

12/8   + 35.32

12/9   - 0.06

12/10   + 216.30

12/13   - 320.04

12/14   - 106.77

12/15   + 383.25

12/16   - 29.79

The main losses occurred over several trading days up to December 1 (12/1), after which the market recovered.

  • The largest point drop in 2021 was 905 points on November 26.
  • Station Eleven premiered on December 16.
  • November 26 and December 16 are 20 days apart.
  • The 11th prime number is 31.
  • 20 is the number to which 11 must be added to reach 31.

20 + (11) = (31)

Using the most basic cypher (ordinal), "Station Eleven" = 161

161 + (20) = 181

  • Prior to the 2020 market crash, the largest point gain in the Dow's history was 1086 points on December 26, 2018.
  • December 26, 2018 is 1086 days before December 16, 2021.

  • 181 is a divisor of 1086: 1086/6 = 181
  • 181 is a divisor of 905: 905/5 = 181
  • 181 is the 42nd prime number.
  • The divisors of 20 sum to 42:

  • 905 + (20 + 161) = 905 + (181) = 1086

  • Prior to the 2020 market crash, the difference between the largest point drop (1175 points) and largest point gain (1086 points) was 89.
  • 89 is the 11th Fibonacci number.
  • The largest point gain in the Dow's history was 2113 points on March 24, 2020.
  • The largest point gain (2113) in the Dow's history occurred 89 days after the first anniversary of the 1086 point gain.

  • The number-prime relationship [264, 1693] is significant to each large point change that has occurred since early 2018.

1693 + (89) = 1782

2113 - (1782) = 331

  • 331 is the 67th prime number.

  • 264 is the number to which 67 must be added to reach 331:

264 + (67) = (331)

Consider the period during which the main losses due to Omicron occurred:

November 26   - 905
November 29   + 237
November 30   - 652
December 1 (12/1  - 462

  • 121 is 11 squared.
  • 89 is the 11th Fibonacci number.

- (905) + 237 - 652 - 462 = - 1782 = - [1693 + (89)]

Now consider the net change during the 20 day period from November 26 to December 16:

- (1782) + 618 - 60 + 647 + 492 + 35 - 0 + 216 - 320 - 107 + 383 - 30 = - (92)

181 - (92) = 89

Recall the final score to Super Bowl 54: 20-31.
  • 31 is the 11th prime number.
  • 20 is the number to which 11 must be added to reach 31.
  • Total points scored = 20 + 31 = (51)
  • The 20th prime number is 71.
  • 51 is the number to which 20 must be added to reach 71.

Super Bowl 54 took place on February 2.  During a non-leap year, February 2 and December 16 are 317 days apart.

  • 317 is the 66th prime number.
  • 251 is the number to which 66 must be added to reach 317: 317 - 66 = (251)
  • 251 is the 54th prime number.

  • 66 is the 11th triangular number.
  • the 317th prime number is 2099.

  • 1782 is the number to which 317 must be added to reach 2099:

1782 + (317) = (2099)

  • The largest single-day point change in 2021 occurred 20 days before the release of Station Eleven.
  • The 11th prime number is 31.
  • 20 is the number to which 11 must be added to reach 31.
  • Station Eleven was released 1086 days after the 1086 point gain.
  • 181 is a divisor of 1086: 1086/6 = 181.
  • Using ordinal, "Station Eleven" = 161.
  • (161 + 20) = 181
  • 181 is the 42nd prime number.
  • The divisors of 20 sum to 42.
  • The largest point change in 2021 was (- 905) points.
  • 181 is a divisor of 905: 905/5 = 181.
  • 905 + (161 + 20) = 1086.
  • The net change during the 20 day period from 11/26/'21 to 12/16/'21 was - (92).
  • Adding the 11th Fibonacci number to 92 is equal to 181.