Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Super Bowl 59: 9/10 → [40 + 22 = 62]; [62, 293], (293 - 40) = 253

 The final score to Super Bowl 58 was 25-22.

  • The losing score was 22
  • The 22nd triangular number is 253: 22(22+1)/2 = 253
  • The 253rd day of the year is 9/10.
  • 9:10 pm is 21:10 on the 24 hour clock.
  • (253 - 22) = 231
  • The 231st prime number is 1453

  • 14:53 military time is 2:53 pm   

The final score to Super Bowl 59 was 40-22.
  • The total points scored was 40 + 22 = 62.
  • The 62nd prime number is 293.

  • 293 - 40 = 253
  • 2:53 pm is 14:53 on the 24 hour clock.
  • 1453 is the 231st prime number.
  • 231 is the number to which 62 must be added to reach 293: 231 + (62) = (293)

  • Recall: the losing score to Super Bowl 58 was 22.
  • The 58th prime number is 271.
  • 271 + 22 = (293)

  • The final score to Super Bowl 59 was 40 - 22.
  • 19 must be added to 40 to reach 59.
  • 37 must be added to 22 to reach 59.
  • 2110 - 1937 = 173
  • 173 is the 40th prime number → 40 is the winning score to Super Bowl 59.

  • 19 is the 8th prime number, and 37 is the 12th prime number → (812)
  • The 59th prime number is 277
  • 218 (the reflection of 812) is the number to which 59 must be added to reach 277. 

  • The 253rd prime number is 1607.
  • 1354 is the number to which 253 must be added to reach 1607.

  • The 40th prime number is 173.
  • The 173rd prime number is 1031.
  • 858 is the number to which 173 must be added to reach 1031.

(1354 - 858) = 496

496 is the 3rd perfect number

3541, the reflection of 1453 is the 496th prime number


Super Bowl 58 (Final Score: 25-22)

  1. The losing score was 22.
  2. 22nd triangular number = 253 → Found by: 22(22+1)/2=25322(22+1)/2 = 253
  3. Connection to 2110 (a significant number to SB 58)
    • The 253rd day of the year is September 10 (9/10).
    • 9:10 PM is 21:10 in military time (which resembles 2110).
  4. 253 - 22 = 231
  5. The 231st prime number is 1453.
  6. 14:53 military time = 2:53 PM.

Super Bowl 59 (Final Score: 40-22)

  1. Total points scored = 40 + 22 = 62.
  2. The 62nd prime number is 293.
  3. 293 - 40 = 253 (linking back to SB 58).
  4. 2:53 PM = 14:53 (military time).
  5. 1453 is the 231st prime number → Another link to 231.

More Links Between the Numbers

  1. 231 is the number to which 62 must be added to reach 293.
    231 + 62 = 293
  2. SB 58's losing score (22) and the 58th prime (271) form another connection:
    271 + 22 = 293

Connections to 59, Primes and 2110:

  1. The final score of SB 59 was 40-22.
  2. 19 must be added to 40 to reach 59.
  3. 37 must be added to 22 to reach 59.
  4. 2110 - 1937 = 173.
    • 173 is the 40th prime number.
    • 40 was the winning score of SB 59.
  5. 19 and 37 are the 8th and 12th prime numbers → (812).
  6. The 59th prime number is 277.
  7. 812 reflected is 218, and 218 + 59 = 277.