Recall the 5 day losing streak which occurred from July 30, 2019 to August 5, 2019:
- July 30 → 23.33
- July 31 → 333.75
- August 3 → 280.85
- August 4 → 98.41
- August 5 → 767.27
The largest single day change during the 5 day losing streak was 767 points on August 5th.
- August 5th is 694 days after 9/10/'17.
- August 5th is 767 days before 9/10/'21.
Joining 17 and 21 forms 1721, the 268th prime number.
August 5 is the 217th day of the year:
- 217 is formed by merging 21 and 17.
1721 - 217 = 1504
The total change during the five day losing streak was 1504 points:
23.33 + 333.75 + 280.85 + 98.41 + 767.27 ≈ 1504
Now consider the 7 day win streak which began on March 5, 2021:
- March 5 → 572.16
- March 8 → 306.14
- March 9 → 30.30
- March 10 → 464.28
- March 11 → 188.57
- March 12 → 293.05
- March 15 → 174.82
9/10 is the 253rd day of the year, leaving 112 days remaining:
4/22 is the 112th day of the year, leaving 253 days remaining:
- The 7 day win streak ended on March 16, 2021 (the first anniversary of the largest single day point drop in the Dow's history).
- 4/22/'19 is 694 days before March 16, 2021.
- 4/22/'23 is 767 days after March 16, 2021.
The total change during the 7 day win streak was 2029 points:
572 + 306 + 30 + 464 + 189 + 293 + 175 = 2029
2029 is the 308th prime number:
1721 is the number to which 308 must be added to reach 2029:
1721 + (308) = (2029)
From the first day of the 5-day losing streak (July 30, 2019) to the last day (March 15, 2021) of the 7-day win streak is 594 days:
910 + (594) = 1504
- 1504 + 2029 = 3533
- 3533 is the 494th prime number.
- Joining 19 and 23 forms 1923.
- 1923 - 494 = 1429
- 1429 is the number to which 264 must be added to reach 1693