Tuesday 20 October 2020

33rd Black Monday Anniversary: Fibonacci, Prime & Perfect Numbers

 The Dow fell 410.89 points on Monday (October 19) as investor hopes for a new stimulus package dwindled.

  • 1, 1, 2 and 3 are the first four terms in the Fibonacci sequence.
  • Joining each number forms 1123, the 188th prime number.
  • 2, 3 and 5 are the first three prime numbers.
  • Joining these three numbers forms 235.

Prior to the 2020 market crash, the largest daily change in the Dow's history was 1175 points on February 5, 2018.  This record was broken when the Dow fell 1191 points on February 27, 2020.

  • From February 5, 2018 to October 19, 2020 is 987 days.

  • 987 is the 16th Fibonacci number.

  • From February 27, 2020 to October 19, 2020 is 235 days.

  • The 235th prime number is 1483.

1483 - (987) = 496 (the 3rd perfect number)

  • 1248 is the number to which 235 must be added to reach the 235th prime number.

1248 + (235) = (1483)

1123 + (125) = 1248

1248 + (235) = (1483)

  • November 23 (11/23) leaves 38 days remaining in the year.
  • The 38th prime number is 163.
  • 125 is the number to which 38 must be added to reach 163.

  • October 19, 2020 is the 33rd anniversary of the Black Monday crash [(10/19)/'87].
  • February 27, 2020 is the 87th anniversary of the Reichstag fire (2/27/'33).

  • The 87th prime number is 449.
  • The 33rd prime number is 137.
  • The 137th prime number is 773.
  • 1019 is the 171st prime number.

  • 362 is the number to which 87 must be added to reach 449.
  • 848 is the number to which 171 must be added to reach 1019.
  • 935 is the number to which 188 must be added to reach 1123 (the 188th prime number).
  • On the 33rd anniversary of Black Monday the Dow fell 411 points.

848 + 362 + (38) = 1248

848 + 87 = (935)

411 + (38) = 449

  • 137 is a divisor of 411: 411/3 = 137.

411 + 362 = 773 (the 137th prime number)

411 - 163 = 248

  • 248 is a divisor of 1488 and 496.

362 - 248 = 610 (the 15th Fibonacci number)

  • The number-prime relationship (65, 313) can be represented by simply writing 248, since 248 is the number to which 65 must be added to reach 313.
935 + (313) = 1248

[Note also, the divisors of 1175 sum to 1488.  The difference between 1175 and the sum of it's divisors is 313.]

87 + 33 + (17) = 137 (the 33rd prime)

87 - 33 = 54

  • The 54th prime number is 251.
  • The 251st prime number (1597) is the (17)th Fibonacci number.
  • 1346 is the number to which 251 must be added to reach 1597.

1346 + 137 = 1483

1346 - 411 = 935

137 + 235 = 372

  • 89 is the 11th Fibonacci number.
  • 372 is the number to which 89 must be added to reach 461, the 89th prime number.
  • The difference between 171 and the sum (260) of it's divisors is 89.

260 - 171 = 89

1346 + 125 = 1471 (the 233rd prime number)

  • 233 is the 13th Fibonacci number.
  • 1471 + (17) = 1488

  • 28 is the 2nd perfect number.
  • 6 is the first perfect number.

411 - (28 + 6) = 377

  • 377 is the 14th Fibonacci number.
  • Joining 28 and 6 forms 286.

286 + (125) = 411

(773 - 137) + 235 = 871

871 + (377) = 1248

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